Tarneaeg 65 päeva
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Delivery conditions![]() Assembly required |
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14 day return policy ![]() |
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One Tree Planted x StreetStrider ![]() |
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Comparison with other training tools ![]() |
Original price was: 2,300.00€.1,999.00€Current price is: 1,999.00€.
Tarneaeg 65 päeva
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Delivery conditions![]() Assembly required |
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14 day return policy ![]() |
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One Tree Planted x StreetStrider ![]() |
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Comparison with other training tools ![]() |
The 8s is the lightest and smoothest StreetStrider ever built! Whether you're looking for endurance, sprinting, or hill climbing, the 8s delivers power, performance and our most comfortable stride. For the best combination of performance and price, choose the StreetStrider 8s.
StreetStrider Indoor Trainer Stand võimaldab teil muuta StreetStrider mõne sekundiga statsionaarseks siseruumides elliptiliseks masinaks. Muutuva takistuse ja mitmekäigulise käigukastiga saate leida just endale sobiva takistuse. Teie treening võib varieeruda kergest kuni suure intensiivsuseni, lihtsalt reguleerides muutuva takistusega rulli ja vahetades käike.
Halva ilma korral ei pea sa oma treeningut vahele jättma. Streetstrideri Indoor Trainer Stand annab sulle ideaalse võimaluse treenida toas, terrassil või rõdul.
The 8s is the lightest and smoothest StreetStrider ever built! Whether you're looking for endurance, sprinting, or hill climbing, the 8s delivers power, performance and our most comfortable stride. For the best combination of performance and price, choose the StreetStrider 8s.
8s’i voltimissüsteem võimaldab teil StreetStriderit hoiustada või transportida. Kiire kokku voltimissüsteemiga saad selle sekunditega kokku voltida.
TELJEVAHE | 1295 mm |
KOGUPIKKUS | 1740 mm |
LAIUS | 750 mm |
KÕRGUS | 1270-1524 mm |
KAAL | 19 kg |
SAMMU PIKKUS | 350 mm |
VÄNDA PIKKUS | 175 mm |
MAX WEIGHT | 136 kg |
KLIIRENS | 110 mm |
KÄIGUD | 8 |
FRAME | Alloy AL6061 T6 |
VÄNT | 175mm |
HAMMASRATAS | 5 Spoke, 52 T |
TRANSMISSION | Shimano Nexus 8 Speed |
ESIPIDURID | Zoom DB-450 120 mm Rotor Disc |
RATTA PIDURID | Zoom DB-450 140 mm Rotor Disc |
TAGARATAS | Double-wall rim, silver spokes |
TAGAREHV | 20 x 1 ⅜” (37 – 451), 80 psi |
ESIRATTAD | Double-wall rim, silver spokes |
ESIREHVID | 16 x 1 ⅜” (37 – 349), 80 psi |
Saatmine | Guarantee | Tagastamine |
Kui teie StreetStrider tarnitakse meie laost, saate meilt e-posti teel teatise jälgimisteabega, mis annab teile teada, et teie tellimus on teele pandud. Teie tellimus saadetakse teie poolt e-poes valitud kullerteenusega ja selle kohale jõudmine on viidatud kullerteenuse poolt antud kohaletoimetamise aeg. Maapealne tarne olenevalt teie asukohast võib võtta aega umbes 3–10 päeva.
Kohaletoimetamisel on vajalik vastuvõtja (e-poes ostu sooritaja isikuttõendavat dokumenti, kus kullerteenuse töötaja saaks tuvastada tellija samasuse dokumendi alusel kauba üleandmisel) allkirja andmisel palume veenduda, et kulleri poolt toimetatud pakend ei ole kahjustatud (Kui pakendikuju kuju näeb välja ebaloomulik, mis viitab lohakale ja mitte hooliva kauba käitlemisele transpordi teenuse osutaja poolt, siis palume tegutseda järgnevalt: Helistada StreetStriderile numbril +372 52 39 313 ja saatma foto pakendist e-posti aadressile support@streetstrider.eu Samuti peaksite koheselt teavitama saatmisteenust osutavat ettevõtet koos kulleri juures olekuga kahjustada saanud pakendist.
Palume tungivalt jäädvustada dokumenteerivaid fotosid kahjustatud pakendist, mis on Teile kohale toimetatud.
Kõik StreetStrideri tellimused nõuavad allkirja kauba üleandmisel ja tarne vastuvõtmata jätmine toob kaasa meie tagastuspoliitika rakendamise.
Tähelepanu: tagastusosakond
Estonia Tartumaa Luunja vald Veibri küla
Järveoja põik 3 postikood: 62202
Olete vastutav StreetStrideri toote ettevõttele tagasi saatmise kulude eest koos kõigi tagastatavate esemetega seotud 10% taastamistasu eest.
4. Saatke tagastatavate kaupade jälgimise teabega meil aadressile support@streetstrider.eu
Tagastatud toote kättesaamisel tagastab Ettevõte teile kogu raha, millest on maha arvatud:
1. Kõik toote teile saatmise kulud;
2. 10% varu täiendamise tasu – Ettevõte võib nõuda täiendavat remonditasu, kui toode tagastatakse kahjustatud seisukorras; ja
3. Mis tahes teenustasu, sealhulgas teenus.
Saate raha tagasi saada 30 päeva jooksul pärast tagastatud toote kättesaamist.
Tellimuse tühistamise poliitika
Pärast tellimuse esitamist võib olla võimalik teie tellimus tühistada, kirjutades meile support@streetstrider.eu ning panna kirja subjektiks tellimus ja selle tellimuse nr: ja lisalause tellimuse tühistamise soovi avaldus. Kui aga teie tellimusele on laovaru eraldatud, ei saa me garanteerida, et tellimust ei saadeta. Kui teie tellimus on saadetud, peate tagastama kõik soovimatud kaubad vastavalt meie tagastuspoliitikale.
Keeldutud kohaletoimetamise poliitika
Kõik StreetStrideri tellimused nõuavad allkirja ja tarne vastuvõtmata jätmine toob kaasa meie tagastuspoliitika rakendamise.
Kahjustused kohaletoimetamisel
Kui teie StreetStrideri toode tarnitakse teile vigase saatmise tõttu kahjustatud seisukorras, peaksite tegema foto vigastatud pakendist ning tagastamisjuhiste saamiseks helistama
StreetStriderile numbril +372 52 39 313 või saatma e-posti aadressile support@streetstrider.eu
Samuti peaksite koheselt teavitama saatmisteenust osutavat ettevõtet koos kulleri juures olekuga.
Vaja on kahjustusi dokumenteerivaid fotosid.
"It's one smooth ride"
“Top of the class”
Selected as the best cardiomanometer
"I love it! It's like running, cycling and skiing all in one."
“StreetStrider pole lihtsalt kodujooks, see on suur slämm”
“See on nii lõbus, et sa ootad pikisilmi oma kardiotreeningud!”
Health benefits
Trees help to clean the air we breathe, filter drinking water and provide habitat for more than 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.
Forests employ more than 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere and are the main ingredient in 25% of all medicines.
StreetStrider is proud to partner with One Tree Planted, a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to making it easier for individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity and support reforestation around the world.
Trees help to clean the air we breathe, filter drinking water and provide habitat for more than 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.
Forests employ more than 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere and are the main ingredient in 25% of all medicines.
StreetStrider is proud to partner with One Tree Planted, a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to making it easier for individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity and support reforestation around the world.
Chief Scientific Officer, Cedric Bryant, PhD
American Exercise Council
The specific warranty covering your StreetStrider is governed by the law of the country where it was purchased and applies only to mobile ellipticals purchased from an authorized StreetStrider reseller, PAPAS OÜ Estonia reg/nr:12011411.
Frames (StreetStrider frames are warranted against defects in materials and/or workmanship by StreetStrider, 16331 Gothard Street, Suite C, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, for a period of two years from the date of purchase, upon receipt.
Komponendid Components are warranted by their original manufacturer, not StreetStrider International LLC. Shimano internal gear hubs are covered by a 2-year warranty under Shimano's warranty: http://bike.shimano.com/content/sac-bike/en/home/news-and-info/warranty.html. Hartmann chainless hubs are warranted for one year under the Sunrace Sturmey Archer warranty: http://sunrace.com/contact_warranty.asp. Linkage bearings, drive train parts, frame mounts and finish materials (paint and decals) are warranted against defects in materials and/or workmanship for one year, and according to the individual component manufacturers, from the date of original retail sale.
Limited warranty conditions:
Selle piiratud garantii eesmärk ei ole eesmärk vihjata, et StreetStriderit ei saa rikkuda või see kestab igavesti. See tähendab, et StreetStriderile kehtivad piiratud garantii tingimused.
See piiratud garantii kehtib ainult StreetStrideri algsele omanikule ja seda ei saa edasi anda järgmistele omanikele.
See piiratud garantii kehtib ainult StreetStrideridele, mis on kokku pandud täielikult kooskõlas käesolevas kasutusjuhendis toodud juhistega.
Normaalsest kulumisest, sh rehvideja muude liikuvate osade kasutamisest tulenevaid kahjustusi ei hüvitata. Ajaline kulumine on raami tavapärase kasutamise käigus tekkinud normaalne kulumise sümptom. See on tavaline kulumine ja omaniku kohustus on oma StreetStriderit regulaarselt kontrollida.
The Limited Warranty expires, if the StreetStrider user abuses, neglects, improperly repairs or maintains, alters the shape or form of, gets into an accident with, or otherwise abnormally uses or misuses the StreetStrider in an excessive or improper manner, or uses the StreetStrider in a manner not in accordance with its intended purpose, and fails to treat the product in a good family manner - as determined by the Company in its sole discretion..
Isikuvigastus, StreetStrideri rike, kadumine või kahjustus, kuritarvitamine, selle hooletusse jätmine, tavaline kulumine, sealhulgas ajaline kulumine, sobimatu kasutus või hooldus kellegi teise, kui StreetStrideri volitatud edasimüüja poolt või osade kasutamine, mis on vastuolus StreetStrideri jaoks algselt ette nähtud kasutusega. Edasi müüdud kujul ei kuulu see garantii alla. Ettevõte ei vastuta mitte mingil juhul juhuslike või kaudsete kahjude eest, mis võivad tekkida StreetStrideri ebaõige kasutamise ja/või rikke tõttu.
Garantiinõuete arvessevõtmiseks tuleb StreetStrider tuua StreetStrideri volitatud edasimüüja juurde samal kontinendil, kust mobiilne elliptiline seade osteti. StreetStrider peab olema kokkupandud seisukorras ja kaasas peab olema StreetStrideri kuupäevaga originaalmüügikviitung. Hoidke kviitungit kindlasti kindlas kohas.
All labour and transport costs for warranty service are the responsibility of the StreetStrider owner.
Selle piiratud garantii kehtivuse ajal parandab ettevõte kõik defektsed raamid või komponendid või meie valikul asendab kõik defektsed raamid või komponendid sama või kõige enam võrreldava mudeli või komponendiga, mis sel ajal saadaval oli.
Võimalike täiendavate piirangute kohta vaadake oma StreetStrideriga kaasasolevaid dokumente.
MÄRKUS. StreetStriding on potentsiaalselt ohtlik tegevus, nagu ka jalgrattasõit. Kasutaja mõistab, et StreetStriding võib isegi tavatingimustes olla ohtlik, ning võtab täieliku vastutuse kasutaja või muu StreetStrideri kasutaja vigastuste, õnnetuste või surma eest, mis võivad StreetStrideri kasutamisest tuleneda. Kasutaja võtab endale vigastuste, StreetStrideri kahjustamise või rikke ning mis tahes muude kaotuste riski, kui StreetStriderit kasutatakse mis tahes võistlusüritusel, sealhulgas võidusõidul, kaldteel hüppamisel, trikisõidul või sarnasel tegevusel või selliste võistlustegevuste või sündmuste treenimisel. . Seda StreetStriderit ei toodeta, turustata, projekteeritud ega ette nähtud mingil viisil ega igal ajal muutmiseks järgmistel viisidel kasutamiseks: trikisõit, äärekivi hüppamine, hüppamine või sarnased tegevused maastikul,
StreetStrideri kasutamine ühel või sarnasel viisil tühistab automaatselt StreetStrideri piiratud garantii. Ettevõte, selle edasimüüjad, sidusettevõtted ega esindajad ei vastuta selle garantii ega ühegi riigi või soetatud riigiseadusest või tavaõiguse ega muul viisil sellisest kasutamisest ja/või muutmisest tulenevate kahjude, rikete, sealhulgas kehavigastuste eest.
See piiratud garantii loob tarbijale konkreetsed seaduslikud õigusedja kohustused. Tarbijal võivad olla ka muud seaduslikud õigused, mis on reguleeritud iga tarbija koduriigis või Euroopa liidus erinevalt. Mõned riigid ei luba juhuslike või kaudsete kahjude või garantiide välistamist või piiramist, seega ei pruugi ülaltoodud piirangud või välistused teie kohta kehtida. Kui pädeva jurisdiktsiooni kohus otsustab, et selle piiratud garantii teatud säte ei kehti, ei mõjuta selline otsus ühtegi muud selle piiratud garantii sätet ja kõik muud sätted jäävad kehtima.
MÄRKUS: Ettevõtte poliitika on pidev arendamine ja täiustamine. Sellest tulenevalt jätame endale õiguse muuta või muuta või lõpetada selle väljaande spetsifikatsioonid ilma ette teatamata.
Jõustub 01.05.2024
Return rules
Oleme kindlad, et teile meeldib StreetStrideri elliptiline kogemus, kuid veendumaks, et kõigil uutel StreetStrideritel on 14-päevane toote tutvumise periood. Kui te ei ole mingil põhjusel oma StreetStrideriga täiesti rahul, järgige tagastamise alustamiseks allpool kirjeldatud protsessi. Teie tagasimakse koosneb teie kulust, millest on maha arvatud 10% varude taastamise tasu, mis tahes teenustasud ja teie vastutate tagastamise eest.
Kui te ei ole oma StreetStrideriga täielikult rahul, kirjutage e-postile: support@streetstrider.eu, sest me soovime aidata teil saada võimalikult rahuldavat kogemust.
Kui aga soovite oma StreetStriderit tagastada, kirjutage e-postile:support@streetstrider.eu
Tagastamisprotsessi alustamiseks on vajalik kauba tellimisnumber. Ilma tellimisnumbrita puudub toote tagastamise võimalus ning neid ei krediteerita.
Tellimisnumbri saamisel peab teie tagastatud toode olema kätte saadud hiljemalt kahe (2) nädala jooksul pärast tellimisnumbri saamist.
To return a StreetStrider product, follow these 4 steps:
Tähelepanu: tagastusosakond
Estonia Tartumaa Luunja vald Veibri küla
Järveoja põik 3 postikood: 62202
Olete vastutav StreetStrideri toote ettevõttele tagasi saatmise kulude eest koos kõigi tagastatavate esemetega seotud 10% taastamistasu eest.
Tagastatud toote kättesaamisel tagastab Ettevõte teile kogu raha, millest on maha arvatud:
Saate raha tagasi saada 30 päeva jooksul pärast tagastatud toote kättesaamist.
Tellimuse tühistamise poliitika
After placing your order, it may be possible to cancel your order by writing to us. support@streetstrider.eu and put in a record the subject of the order and its order no.: and a supplementary record a request for cancellation of the order. However, if there is a stock allocation for your order, we cannot guarantee that the order will not be shipped. Once your order has been dispatched, you must return any unwanted goods in accordance with our returns policy.
Keeldutud kohaletoimetamise poliitika
Kõik StreetStrideri tellimused nõuavad allkirja ja tarne vastuvõtmata jätmine toob kaasa meie tagastuspoliitika rakendamise.
Kahjustused kohaletoimetamisel
Kui teie StreetStrideri toode tarnitakse teile vigase saatmise tõttu kahjustatud seisukorras, peaksite tegema foto vigastatud pakendist ning tagastamisjuhiste saamiseks helistama
StreetStriderile numbril +372 52 39 313 või saatma e-posti aadressile support@streetstrider.eu
Samuti peaksite koheselt teavitama saatmisteenust osutavat ettevõtet koos kulleri juures olekuga.
Vaja on kahjustusi dokumenteerivaid fotosid.
Jõustub 01.05.2024
Original price was: 2,300.00€.1,999.00€Current price is: 1,999.00€.
The 8s is the lightest and smoothest StreetStrider ever built! Whether you’re looking for endurance, sprinting, climbing hills, the 8s delivers the feeling of power, performance, and our most comfortable stride. For the best combination of performance and price, choose the StreetStrider 8s.
The StreetStrider Indoor Trainer Stand allows you to transform your StreetStrider into a stationary indoor elliptical machine in seconds. With variable resistance and a multi-gear transmission, you can find the resistance level that is perfect for you. Your workout can vary from light to high intensity by simply adjusting the variable resistance roller and shifting gears.
The StreetStrider 8s features our patented user-adjustable lean-to-steer caster angle technology that provides more stability for the novice at lower caster angles vs more performance for the experienced rider at higher caster angles. The 3-wheel design is safe and stable, and the intuitive lean-to-steer system works with your body’s natural movements to provide complete control when turning. The lean-to-steer system also engages your core muscles, something that a stationary indoor elliptical cannot do.
The feeling is described as “skiing down the street” and “running on air”.
The 8s features our new patent-pending quick release crank arm, allowing you to fold down the 8s in just seconds, so you can take it anywhere.
WHEELBASE | 1295 mm |
TOTAL LENGTH | 1740 mm |
WIDTH | 750 mm |
HEIGHT | 1270-1524 mm |
HEIGHT FOLDED | 610 mm |
WEIGHT | 19 kg |
STRIDE LENGTH | 350 mm |
CRANK LENGTH | 175 mm |
GEARS | 8 |
FRAME | Alloy AL6061 T6 |
CRANK | 175mm |
CHAINRING | 5 Spoke, 52 T |
TRANSMISSION | Shimano Nexus 8 Speed |
FRONT BRAKES | Zoom DB-450 120 mm Rotor Disc |
WHEEL BRAKES | Zoom DB-450 140 mm Rotor Disc |
REAR WHEEL | Double-wall rim, silver spokes |
REAR TIRE | 20 x 1 ⅜” (37 – 451), 80 psi |
FRONT WHEELS | Double-wall rim, silver spokes |
FRONT TIRES | 16 x 1 ⅜” (37 – 349), 80 psi |
Shipping | Warranty | Return Policy |
When your StreetStrider ships from our warehouse, you will receive an email from us with tracking information to let you know that your order has been shipped. Your order will be sent by the courier service chosen by you in the e-shop, and its arrival will be the delivery time given by the indicated courier service. Ground delivery may take approximately 3-10 days depending on your location.
Upon delivery, the recipient (the identity document of the person making the purchase in the e-store, where the courier service employee can identify the customer on the basis of the identity document when handing over the goods) is required to be signed, please make sure that the package delivered by the courier is not damaged (If the shape of the package looks unnatural, which indicates sloppy and careless handling of the goods by the transport service provider, then please proceed as follows: Call StreetStrider at +372 52 39 313 and send a photo of the package to the e-mail address support@streetstrider.eu You should also immediately inform the company providing the shipping service about the damaged package along with the status of the courier.
We urge you to take documentary photos of the damaged package that has been delivered to you.
All StreetStrider orders require a signature upon delivery and failure to accept delivery will result in our returns policy being applied.
Attention: Returns Department
Estonia Tartumaa Luunja vald Veibri küla
Järveoja põik 3 post code: 62202
You are responsible for the cost of returning the StreetStrider product to the Company, plus a 10% restocking fee for all returned items.
Send an email to support@streetstrider.eu with the tracking information for the returned goods
Upon receipt of the returned product, the Company will refund you the full amount less:
All costs of shipping the product to you;
10% Restocking Fee – The Company may charge an additional repair fee if the product is returned in a damaged condition; and
Any service charge including service.
You can get a refund within 30 days of receiving the returned product.
Order Cancellation Policy
After placing an order, it may be possible to cancel your order by writing to us at support@streetstrider.eu and writing the subject order and its order number: and the additional sentence the statement of the wish to cancel the order. However, if your order has been allocated stock, we cannot guarantee that the order will not be dispatched. Once your order has shipped, you must return any unwanted items in accordance with our returns policy.
Refused Delivery Policy
All StreetStrider orders require a signature and failure to accept delivery will result in our return policy.
Damages during delivery
If your StreetStrider product is delivered to you in damaged condition due to faulty shipping, you should take a photo of the damaged packaging and call for return instructions
StreetStrider at +372 52 39 313 or send an e-mail to support@streetstrider.eu
You should also immediately notify the shipping company with the status of the courier.
Photos documenting the damage are required.
"This is one smooth ride"
"Top of the class"
Voted best overall cardio machine
"I love it! It's like running,
cycling and skiing all in one."
"The StreetStrider isn't just a...
home run; it's a grand slam"
"It's so much fun you look
forward to your cardio
Health benefits
Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.
Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.
StreetStrider is proud to partner with One Tree Planted, an environmental non-profit organization dedicated to making it easier for individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity, and help reforestation efforts around the world.
Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.
Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.
StreetStrider is proud to partner with One Tree Planted, an environmental non-profit organization dedicated to making it easier for individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity, and help reforestation efforts around the world.
Chief Science Officer, Cedric Bryant, PhD
American Council on Exercise
The specific warranty covering your StreetStrider is governed by the law of the country where it was purchased and only applies to mobile ellipticals purchased from an authorized StreetStrider dealer PAPAS OÜ Estonia reg/nr:12011411.
Frames (frame, Strider soleplates, Strider handlebars) StreetStrider frames are warranted by StreetStrider, 16331 Gothard Street, Suite C, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, against defects in materials and/or workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase, from the date of receipt.
Components Components are warranted by their original manufacturer and not by StreetStrider International LLC. Shimano internal gear hubs are covered by a 2-year warranty according to the Shimano warranty: http://bike.shimano.com/content/sac-bike/en/home/news-and-info/warranty.html. The Hartmann chainless hub comes with a one year warranty as per the Sunrace Sturmey Archer Warranty: http://sunrace.com/contact_warranty.asp. Joint bearings, drive parts, frame mounts and finishes (paint and decals) are warranted against defects in materials and/or workmanship for one year and according to individual component manufacturers from the date of original retail sale.
Limited Warranty Terms:
This limited warranty is not intended to imply that the StreetStrider is indestructible or will last forever. This means that the terms of the limited warranty apply to the StreetStrider.
This limited warranty applies only to the original owner of the StreetStrider and is not transferable to subsequent owners.
This limited warranty applies only to StreetStriders that have been assembled in full accordance with the instructions in this owner’s manual.
Damages resulting from normal wear and tear, including the use of other moving parts of the tyre, are not compensated. Time wear is a normal wear and tear symptom of the frame during normal use. This is normal wear and tear and it is the owner’s responsibility to check their StreetStrider regularly.
The Limited Warranty is void if the user of the StreetStrider abuses, neglects, improperly repairs and maintains it, changes its shape or form, gets into an accident or in any other unusual way, uses it in an excessive and improper manner, uses it for purposes other than its intended use, and does not treat the product with good stewardship – determined by the Company at its sole discretion.
Personal injury, malfunction, loss or damage to the StreetStrider, abuse, neglect, normal wear and tear including wear and tear over time, improper use or maintenance by anyone other than an authorized StreetStrider dealer, or use of parts contrary to the StreetStrider’s original intended use. As resold, it is not covered by the warranty. In no event shall the Company be liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising from the improper use and/or failure of StreetStrider.
To qualify for warranty claims, the StreetStrider must be brought to an authorized StreetStrider dealer in the same continent where the mobile elliptical was purchased. The StreetStrider must be in assembled condition and accompanied by the StreetStrider’s original dated sales receipt. Be sure to keep the receipt in a safe place.
All warranty service labor and shipping charges are the responsibility of the StreetStrider owner.
During the term of this limited warranty, the Company will repair any defective frame or component or, at our option, replace any defective frame or component with the same or the most comparable model or component then available.
Please refer to the documentation that came with your StreetStrider for any additional restrictions that may apply.
NOTE. StreetStriding is a potentially dangerous activity, just like cycling. The User understands that StreetStriding can be dangerous even under normal conditions and accepts full responsibility for any injury, accident or death to the User or other StreetStrider users that may result from the use of the StreetStrider. The User assumes the risk of injury, damage to or failure of the StreetStrider, and any other loss when the StreetStrider is used in any competitive event, including racing, ramp jumping, stunt driving or similar activities, or in training for such competitive activities or events. . This StreetStrider is not manufactured, marketed, designed or intended to be modified in any way or at any time for use in the following ways: stunt driving, curb jumping, jumping or similar off-road activities,
Use of StreetStrider in one or similar manner automatically voids StreetStrider’s limited warranty. The Company, its distributors, affiliates, or agents shall not be liable for any damages, malfunctions, including personal injury arising out of this warranty or under the law or common law of any state or acquired state, or otherwise arising out of such use and/or modification.
This limited warranty creates specific legal rights and obligations for the consumer. The consumer may also have other legal rights that are regulated differently in each consumer’s home country or in the European Union. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or warranties, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. If a court of competent jurisdiction decides that a particular provision of this Limited Warranty is invalid, such decision will not affect any other provision of this Limited Warranty and all other provisions will remain in effect.
NOTE: Company policy is continuous development and improvement. Accordingly, we reserve the right to change or modify or discontinue the specifications in this publication without notice.
Return Policy
We’re sure you’ll love the StreetStrider elliptical experience, but to make sure, all new StreetStriders come with a 14-day product trial period. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your StreetStrider, please follow the process below to initiate a return. Your refund will consist of your cost less a 10% restocking fee, any service charges, and you are responsible for the return.
If you are not completely satisfied with your StreetStrider, please email: support@streetstrider.eu, as we want to help you have the most satisfying experience possible.
However, if you want to return your StreetStrider, write to: support@streetstrider.eu
Order number is required to begin the return process. Without an order number, there is no possibility to return the product and they will not be credited.
Upon receipt of an order number, your returned product must be received no later than two (2) weeks after receipt of the order number.
The process
To return a StreetStrider product, follow these 4 steps:
Repackage the product. Products and all accessories and materials must be returned undamaged in their original packaging. StreetStrider products and materials must be packed in the original packaging with the parts disassembled and assembled. Make sure everything is padded and secured. Care must be taken during return to avoid damage. ADDITIONAL REPAIR FEE WILL BE INCLUDED DURING THE RETURN OF DAMAGE. To avoid an additional repair fee and to ensure a proper return of the StreetStrider, we recommend that you repackage it exactly as it was packaged when it arrived. WATCH THIS 3 PART VIDEO TO REPACK THE 3i AND 7i.
Display the order number on the box and address label. Returns will not be accepted without an order number clearly displayed on the box. Products returned without an order number will not be refunded or credited.
Send the package to:
Attention: Returns Department
Estonia Tartumaa Luunja vald Veibri küla
Järveoja põik 3 post code: 62202
You are responsible for the cost of returning the StreetStrider product to the Company, plus a 10% restocking fee for all returned items.
Send an email to support@streetstrider.eu with the tracking information for the returned goods
Upon receipt of the returned product, the Company will refund you the full amount less:
You can get a refund within 30 days of receiving the returned product.
Order Cancellation Policy
After placing an order, it may be possible to cancel your order by writing to us at support@streetstrider.eu and writing the subject order and its order number: and the additional sentence the statement of the wish to cancel the order. However, if your order has been allocated stock, we cannot guarantee that the order will not be dispatched. Once your order has shipped, you must return any unwanted items in accordance with our returns policy.
Refused Delivery Policy
All StreetStrider orders require a signature and failure to accept delivery will result in our return policy.
Damages during delivery
If your StreetStrider product is delivered to you in damaged condition due to faulty shipping, you should take a photo of the damaged packaging and call for return instructions
StreetStrider at +372 52 39 313 or send an e-mail to support@streetstrider.eu
You should also immediately notify the shipping company with the status of the courier.
Photos documenting the damage are required.
Enters into force on 01.05.2024
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